Friday, November 29, 2013

The Scarlet Letter Endings!!! (Chapters 15-24 Pgs.171-259)

Whoa, I finally finished reading the Scarlet letter (disappointing).  The ending of the novel for me truly was the WORST ending that could have ever been written.  Like, really *Spoiler* Dimmesdale dies and the manner in which it happens, I personally believe was stupid.  At first I thought that he was faking his death, and was just pretending to be dead because earlier I thought that there was a plot that him and Hester planned before boarding their escape ship.  Well, after looking into it, I found out that he actually dies *thanks conclusion *. But furthermore the entire novel as a whole wasn't that bad until his dead ( I actually enjoyed it,until Dimmesdale dies which made the ending really bad for me).  
I actually enjoyed Chapter 15 brcause we finally know Hester's true feeling toward Chillingsworth (like we couldn't have guessed before), she hates him and I don't blame her.  I mean come on he was once a good guy that spoiled because of her.  By the way he seems annoying.  In this chapter I couldn't help but feel and be annoyed with Pearl at the same time.  For a little girl she experienced a lot ( mostly torment from rotten kids) and though she was unconditionally loved by Hester she probably wanted more love.  Little kids have questions and Pearl kept on questioning the identity of people who she would constantly see ( Dimmesdale and Chillingsworth-ironic) but Hester never wanted to give her an answer.  At some times this angered me.  Hester shouldn't have ignored Pearl she should of at least told her something for Pearl was bright young individual.  
Chapter 16 to me wasn't that poppin.  I mean Pearl just keeps asking about who those people ( Dimmesdale and Chillingsworth), but her mother wouldn't really budge until Pearl sort of tricked her.Again like I stated earlier. Pearl truly is a smart child.
I enjoyed reading chapter 17, because Dimmesdale ( one of the only characters that I like, whom eventually dies ) comes back to Hester.  Their meeting to me was like the long awaited confrontation that they both had been waiting for.  Finally! Hester tell him the true identity of Chillingsworth, personally I felt that if she told him this earlier like seven years ago, so Dimmesdale wouldn't have been in the situation ( really sick ) that he was in.  Also he could have prepared himself for Chillingswoth evil tactics.  I love how after Dimmesdale finally finds out about the sin which Chillingsworth had done, he condemns it to be like the worst sin ever.  Who knew sweet old REVENGE was more sinful that ADULTERY? Who knew?  I was feeling very hopeful for the lovers, when they planned on leaving the stupid colony and returning back to the Old World ( England-like come the people and land there isn't ancient ).  I really love how they truly express their feeling about their ( adultery ) which they committed seven ( or more ) years ago.  
Chapter 18 really shows off Hester's true beauty ( I mean come on even the birds sang and the sun appeared-haha in your face Pearl your mommy doesn't scare the sun away ).  Hester finally takes off the hideous letter and hat ( yes girl yes) and the readers are given a description of her true beauty ( which I felt society wanted hidden-jealous people ).  I felt really happy that they were planning their getaway ( until Dimmesdale dies- Yes! if you were wondering, I will keep stressing his death in this blog post because I loved his character).  In the end of the chapter I was a little scared because at first I didn't know if Pearl had returned.
In Chapters 19 I felt sad for Pearl and I knew where she was coming from.  I know that in most of my blog posts I at times ( a lot ) criticize Pearls behavior, but her actions during these last few chapters were understandable.  As a little girl she probably was a little ( not so much ) confused on why her mother was talking to the minister in the forest ( secretly from public view ) and why she looked different ( beautiful ).  So when Hester beckons for her I felt as if at first she doesn't come because that wasn't the mother she was used to seeing ( a beautiful smiling women).  I laughed a little when Pearl finally came back to the mother after she put the "A" on her chest and covered her hair.  I don't blame her for disregarding Dimmesdale kiss.  I mean like come on in public he won't even hold their ( Pearl and Hester ) hands but wants to act like he cares for them by kissing them.  He should know that Pearl isn't into all that secret circle loving crew, she prefers PDA.  
Chapter 20 gave me so much hope as a reader.  I thought that they were finally going to leave and board a ship in a few day back to England where there sins and Chillingsworth were not known ( but it doesn't happen like I stated Dimmesdale dies- may god bless his poor wretched soul ).  Towards the end of the chapter one can tell that Dimmesdale finally has life ( which Chillingsworth killed spiritually earlier ).  The fact that he told Chillingsworth to leave and that his help wasn't needed anymore in a nonchalant manner was my cherry to a very sweet chapter.
The last four chapters truly disappoint me ( Dimmesdale dies-I cried ).  The first disappointment happened when I discovered that there was going to be another passenger on the ship with Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale ( like dude buzz off three's a crowd.  Whats four? Yeah that's right there isn't four because that would be too damn much! ).  Someone need to smack Chillingsworth into reality because what he is doing just isn't just revenge but INSANITY ( and I'm not talking Shaun T. baby!). 
 Mistress Hibbins is a prime example while I dislike the citizens of this no name town settlement.  I mean it obvious that she knows Hester and Dimmesdale secret but does she have to confuse my reading by going all ham on Hester in public.  In my opinion she isn't a witch ( learning about Salem improved my knowledge on this ) but in fact a BITCH that comes off as witch.  Alright let's fast forward to the part that truly made not only Hester sob with sorrow, but myself too.  I mean I was waiting for them to leave together on the ship after the election sermon, but that didn't happen ( you probably know what I going to express well here it sadly goes DIMMESDALE DIES!!!! BOO HOO BOO HOO BOO HOO HOO HOO!!!!).  At first I thought that Dimmesdale was acting when he brought Hester and Pearl on the scaffold and it was all a part of their plan.  He comes clean with his conscience guilt and everyone is there to see it, shocked but they see it.  I felt as if Pearl got closure from this public display of affection from her long awaited father ( as if she didn't have a clue, as if ), before he passed away.  The manner in which he passed away was truly sad and stupid.   Like come on he was young and then he stated that he was dying.  It truly angered me when Chillingswoth was trying to intervene in the sentimental moment.  Gosh! Can't he just stop for once like dude she never like you.  Yikes! The truth hurts doesn't it ( like he didn't know ).  
Chapter 24 gave me some good closure, but didn't fully repair my heart ( Dimmesdale died- say it ain't so just say it ain't so ).  Chillingsworth dies but leaves  his estate for Pearl after he dies the following year ( is it me or is this book just to ironic).  Wow that was an act of kindness which I wasn't expecting.  Pretty much life is good for them in the end.  Pearl is living a happy healthy life with her family and Hester finally finds peace after she dies and is buried  close by Dimmesdale.  I love that fact that women came to her for advice in her olden age days ( excuse my grammar ) and the towns see the true significance of the SCARLET LETTER "A".


  1. I can just imagine your reaction as you finished the book LOL. I think we can all agree that the ending was a big disappointment. All that trouble everyone went through for everyone to just die? Well at least Pearl's happy... I guess. I truly don't know what Hawthorne was trying teach out of this. The novel seems like it was more fitting for broadway rather than being taught in classrooms. Everything was just too dramatic for my taste, but that's just me.

  2. Great job Chin! Did you want Dimmesdale to live? Did you think there was a chance of happiness for Pearl and Dimmesdale?

  3. Yeah I felt the same way too April, but I looked into Hawthorne's reason's for a sad ending in the last pages of the book and it really fits well. Hester, Chillingworth, and Dimmesdale all had talents that went to waster just because they wouldn't come out with their sins; and wasting your talents to Hawthorne is one of the greatest sins ever (read the back of the book if you want a clearer version of my summary).
    By the way Ms. Watkins YES, I did want Dimmesdale to live and there was in me eyes a chance of happiness for Pearl and him ( I mean she kissed him before he died ).
